Curious Fictions for short stories and articles.

Nov 21, 2018

I’ve signed up at Curious Fictions. I’ve always struggled with the idea of a Patreon or similar account, as I don’t know that I’d be able to generate much income from it, but I would feel obliged to provide a lot of content for anyone who kicked into it. I’ve always thought that ratio would be tough for me as I’m so time poor. But, it is true that as authors, we need a variety of income steams to survive. Curious Fictions is a bit different from Patreon and its ilk. People can subscribe for a small amount and then have access to anything I post there, and the focus is on short stories and blog type posts. I won’t be blogging there – hell, I hardly blog here any more now that social media is so pervasive – but I will be using the account to post hard-to-find or out-of-print short stories, novel excerpts, experimental pieces, and the occasional non-fiction article. I may use it to curate all the guest posts and articles that end up all over the net. After they’ve had a month or two of exclusivity at their destination, I may collect them at Curious Fictions.

So far, there are three short stories and the first chapter of Devouring Dark up there, so if it sounds like your kind of thing, click here to check it out. And thanks!


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