Awards eligibility post for 2019

Oct 22, 2019

We’re getting towards the pointy end of the year again (honestly, time is fleeting!) and it’s about now that I like to look back on published work for the year. It serves two purposes – one is a reminder for myself of what I’ve accomplished in a year, because it can be easy to forget how far I’ve come. Even when not much has happened in any given year, it’s worth celebrating what *has* happened. The second purpose is to remind folx what’s out there and eligible for awards, as it’s easy to forget that stuff too. I always appreciate these posts from other writers, so I make sure I do one. If anything I’ve had published this year rocked your world enough for you to consider it award-worthy, I would be eternally grateful for your vote!

Things like the Aurealis Awards and Australian Shadows Awards are jury voted, so I’ll be sure that I or my publishers enter my work in those. But things like the Ditmar Awards and Bram Stoker Awards are fan-voted, so it’s really great if you guys can get involved and vote for stuff (or recommend it, in the case of the Stokers). Remember, the more you get involved with fan-voted stuff, the more it represents the view of fandom as a whole rather than a focussed subset of active people.

For reference, here are the links to various awards rules and entries:

Aurealis Awards

Ditmar Awards

Australian Shadows Awards

Bram Stoker Awards

Shirley Jackson Awards

As for my own work, that being the real point of this post, here’s the stuff I had published in 2019 and what category it’s eligible for:

Served Cold (published September 2019, Grey Matter Press) is eligible for Best Collection in all Awards.

Original stories this year:

“Yellowheart” (originally published in Served Cold) is eligible in the Novelette/Long Fiction category of all awards.

and then the following stories are all eligible in the Short Fiction category of all awards:

“Exquisite” (originally published in Served Cold)

“The Ocean Hushed The Stones” (originally published in Served Cold)

“Jeremiah’s Puzzle” – Prehistoric anthology (ed. S J Larsson, Severed Press, July 2019)

The next two stories aren’t out yet, but they will be out this year and eligible, so look out for them!

“A Star Has Died” (A Silhouette Story) – Side Quests (OZTober, November 2019)

“The Throat” – SNAFU: Last Stand, (ed. AJ Spedding & Matthew Summers) Cohesion Press, due Nov 2019.

Should any of these be worthy, in your opinion, of an award nomination, I can’t thank you enough.


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