Year’s Best contributor copy in my paw

This arrived today and it makes me very happy. It includes a reprint of my story, Tiny Live, originally published at Daily Science Fiction. And it’s an honour to share the pages with so many other amazing authors and their work. This is the third Year’s...

Lakeside Circus, Short fiction and other oddities

I’m very happy to report that my new short story, All the Wealth in the World, will be in the inaugural issue of a new digital magazine from Dagan Books called Lakeside Circus. It’s a short-form speculative fiction magazine, published quarterly. Beginning...

Great inspiration with Jason Franks

Since I wrote this post about a moment of great inspiration I wasn’t even aware of at the time (when I met Neil Gaiman in 1989), I’ve been hosting some guest posts from other writer friends where they share their moments of equally great inspiration. You can read all...

2012 storySouth Million Writers Award notable stories

Well, this was a very pleasant surprise today, and many thanks to Josh Melican who pointed it out to me on my Facebook page. The news came via the website of Jason Sanford, one of the judges of the storySouth Million Writers Award, and the news is that one of my...

Great Inspiration – guest post from Thoraiya Dyer

Last week I posted about the time, back in 1989, when I met Neil Gaiman and got a signed copy of Sandman #1, with no idea at the time of the significance of the event. You can see that post here. At the end of the post I said I would put the call out to my writerly...

Crowded Magazine, issue 2 – featuring me

Very happy about this one, and not only because the magazine pays pro rates! The second issue of Crowded is out, and I’m very proud that it contains my dark urban fantasy story, Roll the Bones. I’m pleased this story found a good home, as it’s one of...